Our beloved Uma Maheshwara is deeply cherished by countless devotees, for He is known to grant their heartfelt desires, particularly those related to marriage. Many devotees offer milk, curds, and honey as a sacred offering for a month, praying for the fulfilment of their wishes. Responding to the fervent requests of devotees, several sacred services (sevas) and adornments (alankaras), as detailed below, are regularly performed

Shatha Rudrabhishekha: A powerful ritual involving the recitation of the Rudram and the sacred bathing of the deity with various substances, performed one hundred times.

Girija Kalyana Utsava: The divine wedding festival of Lord Shiva (Maheshwara) and Goddess Parvati (Uma), a symbolic celebration of divine union.

Rudrabhishekha: The sacred bathing of the deity with various substances while chanting the Rudram.

Panchamrutha Abhishekha: The sacred bathing of the deity with panchamrutha, a mixture of five nectars (milk, curds, ghee, honey, and sugar).

Vibhuti Alankara: Adornment of the deity with sacred ash (Vibhuti).

Gandhada Alankara: Adornment of the deity with sandalwood paste (Gandha).

Benna Alankara: Adornment of the deity with butter (Benna).

Uma Maheshwara is particularly renowned for bestowing the blessings of marriage. It is a deeply held belief that devotees who tie the sacred Uma Maheshwara Kanakana (a sacred thread or offering) are certain to be married within a year. Devotees seeking marriage often perform the Kalyanotsava (divine wedding ceremony) either before or after their own wedding, or even on both occasions, as a gesture of gratitude and seeking continued blessings. Those who have been seeking marriage for an extended period come to our temple to perform the Parvati Swayamvara Japa (recitation of mantras related to Parvati's choosing of a husband) and Homa (sacred fire ritual), and it is said that they are invariably blessed with marriage. Typically, two to three Kalyanotsavas or Girija Kalyanas take place each week, attesting to the powerful grace of Uma Maheshwara in fulfilling the desires of devotees seeking matrimony.